Tuesday, May 6, 2008

It's chocolate, it's peppermint - it's delicious!

This past weekend, I went to the lovely Entertainment Cinemas at Fresh Pond for a showing of the new Tina Fey movie "Baby Mama." After buying tickets and finding a seat, I returned to the lobby to find some snacks. As I stood in line contemplating the selection in the glass case in front of me, I noticed a conspicuous absence of Junior Mints. Blast! As my turn approached, I vainly searched for a sufficient alternative. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a plethora of Junior Mints in an another case, approximately 10 feet away. Catastrophe averted - just in time for me to step to the counter and make my selections.

Me: "Hello. I'd like a box of Junior Mints. I see you're out here but I think there are some in that case over there."

Cashier (snarky): "Yes, but they're over there."

Me (confused): "Um, yes. Can I have some please?"

Cashier (sighing, suddenly exasperated): "I can't leave the cash register." ::points to register::

Me (looking around, seeing no one else in line behind me): "Ummm.."

Cashier (rolling eyes): "You have to go over there." ::points to adjacent register::

For the extra few seconds it would have taken the cashier to explain up front that she couldn't leave the register, she would have saved herself from feeling frustrated and me from feeling utterly confused. Another obvious option would have been for the cashier to ask her fellow snack counter attendant to pass her a box of Junior Mints. Unfortunately, none of these things happened, but at least I didn't miss the previews. Check minus for Entertainment Cinemas Fresh Pond.

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